PARCENTRA LLC Copyright 2023. (C)

C is for Cascade

InfoDev chooses ParCenTra’s Participant-Centered-Training to Cascade Global Business Incubation Capacity

ParCenTra’s cascade learning model successfully scales up the training capacity required to launch a major initiative. Effectively implemented in a wide variety of national and international organizations, our high-engagement model initiates an intensive training of trainers who in turn train others in the same intensive process, creating a cadre of competent trainers. This cadre then designs and delivers instruction tailored to local cultures and circumstances in support of the key initiative. At times, we also design the content, at others we help the trainers transform already designed content into high-engagement learning.

A recent collaboration with the World Bank, infoDev, is an example of the ParCenTra model in action. infoDev aimed to reduce poverty through by incubating small and medium businesses – especially in the Tech Sector. They had developed a series of rich-in-content modules that were challenging to deliver in a way that both satisfied and lit-up participants.

Our client InfoDev described the project:

“As part of a capacity-building program funded by infoDev, with support from ParCenTra (PCT), is rolling out regional training sessions where experienced incubator managers who are part of the global network are trained to deliver infoDev business incubation training (the modules) on behalf of infoDev and its regional networks. Each trainer-in-trainer goes through a rigorous evaluation process before they are certified.”

In this Project, ParCenTra began with a kickoff Train-the-Trainer for Incubator Managers using the InfoDev System in Finland in 2010. ParCenTra did a similar training in Ooty in 2011, in Istanbul in 2012, in Saudi Arabia in 2013, in South Africa in 2013, and again in Saudi Arabia in 2016. The Trainings, all, but Saudi Arabia, included participants from several developing countries.

Train-the-Trainer workshop in Ooty, India

Training Participants in Ooty, India

The PSG-STEP College of Technology in Coimbatore, India organized the Train-the-Trainer workshop in Ooty. It brought together more than 30 passionate business incubator managers from across the Asia Pacific Incubation Network. This train-the-trainer workshop focused not only on the content of infoDev’s 12-module training program, but also on developing skills needed to adapt and deliver participant-centered training.

ParCenTra developed the Participant-Centered Training (PCT) model over the last 30 years. It has been adapted for use in countries throughout the globe. PCT is based on neuroscience principles that cooperate with and encourage the highest functioning of the brain. This functioning can bet be facilitated by providing learning events in which the participant has the central role.

In the Ooty workshop, designed and delivered by ParCenTra, infoDev certified 34 new trainers from 10 countries: India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. This workshop also welcomed aspiring trainers from as far as Brazil and Costa Rica. 11 of these new trainers are women, based in India, Mongolia, Nepal, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.

Certified trainers were now equipped with the knowledge and materials to deliver high quality business incubation training in their countries and regions!

infoDev continued to organize train-the-trainer workshops in other regions of its network. In Istanbul, Turkey, 2012, built the capacity of trainers in the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) and Middle East and North Africa region (MENA) regions.

In addition to a train-the-trainer workshop, the Istanbul event assisted newly trained trainers to prepare for and deliver one of the several one-day modules from the 12-module curriculum for incubator managers. These new trainers were coached by ParCenTra to ensure application success. These trainings were open to the entire global network and were a unique opportunity to learn from incubation experts from all continents and to gain first-hand experiences and best practices from infoDev’s global network. This more complete model continued to be used in the InfoDev locations that followed.

Feedback from participants was overwhelmingly positive.
The ParCenTra Model promotes high level success as well as opportunities for personal growth and development. Many participants report that the training not only helped with job performance but improved their lives in important ways, e.g. participants report more confidence in communication capabilities, and in optimism to take on significant challenges.

ParCenTra, in partnership with InfoDev, initiated a new program in which real time training of end users was added at the end of the Train-the-trainer Program. On a scale of 1-10, participants gave an overall average rating of 9.22 points for the workshop. The mastery of content by trainers received 9.41 points; learning [PCT] skills applicable to training content received 9.52 points; and increasing incubation knowledge and skillset received 8.97 points. Participant, Neeraj Nepali, stated that she found “Learning is phenomenal and holistic with the content and art of training combined together”.

The Model as designed by ParCenTra
The design for this specific set of InfoDev trainings included an intensive weeklong journey that begins with a beautiful welcoming ceremony, and proceeds through a series of units that enhance incubation manager training capabilities, and opens the possibility of new ventures in incubation training.

The whole of the intensive mirrors entrepreneurial culture with opportunities to strengthen the community of practice, to take creative, visionary looks at possible futures for incubation managers as trainers, and to enhance the generative leadership skills requisite for successful incubation of small enterprises.

The core of the intensive activates the excitement of exploring a new training model which is brain-based, conceptually rich, and experiential.

Participants were guided systematically through processes where they tailored Incubator training to the needs of local participants, designed mini-lessons, and learned how to present the mini-lessons with vibrant and effective conducting skills.

The intensive culminates with uplifting moments when each participant presents an original lesson based on the learnings of the intensive and has the delightful surprise of experiencing significant, meaningful expertise and a repertoire of capacities that transfer to the workplace and beyond.

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